नेपाल सरकार

उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालय

ग्रामीण उद्यम तथा विप्रेषण आयोजना


nepal government

नेपाल सरकार

उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालय

ग्रामीण उद्यम तथा विप्रेषण आयोजना



MoU signed between SAMRIDDHI and Itahari for enhancing overall TVET governance at the local level

An MoU has been signed between Itahari Sub Metropolitan City and Rural Enterprise and Remittance Project ‘SAMRIDDHI’ for formulating Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) strategy of the local government. The partnership marks a significant step towards enhancing overall governance in TVET at the local level. This collaboration aims to improve the overall quality of vocational skills training by developing a strategic framework for TVET within the local government's jurisdiction. The TVET governance at the local level serves as a pivotal model for state-building within Nepal's federal system.

Under subcomponent 1.3 Decent Jobs (Technical Assistance by Helvetas Nepal), this collaborative partnership involves the execution of a baseline survey targeting primary stakeholders, facilitated through the utilization of digital tools. This methodological approach encompasses a series of structured activities, including consultative sessions, active engagement in focused group discussions, data analysis, and subsequent presentation of findings for validation. This validation process is carried out through thematic workshops convened with the involvement of executive committees representing local governmental bodies. Additionally, methodologies encompass a review of secondary data and relevant documents related to the TVET sector, endorsed by the local government.

In the context of Nepal's evolving federal system, the roles of local governments have become increasingly crucial. With the federal structure comprising federal, provincial, and local levels, institutionalization remains a work in progress. Notably, the Constitution Schedule-8 delineates that basic and secondary education falls under the jurisdiction of local governments.

Besides Itahari Sub-Metropolitan City, similar partnerships have been initiated in three other local governments, including Hariwon and Barahathawa Municipalities in the Madhesh Province, where surveys have been completed, and Duhabi Municipality in the Koshi Province, where surveys are ongoing. These collaborative efforts underscore the project's commitment to enhance TVET across the local governments in federal context.

हालका समाचार

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